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Rules of the Coven:

Rules of the Coven coincide with the Wiccan Rede and the Law of Three..


. Double click me.

 An' it harm none, do what you will.

As long as you are not harming anyone (including yourself) or anything, you are free to do as you please.  Be careful to apply the word "harm" to emotional/mental harm as well, as this is a sacred sex coven.

Be ever mindful of the law of three.  what ye send out returns to thee.

Be responsible for your own energy!  That which  you send out will return to you multiple times, thus it is a good idea not to send out that which would harm (which goes against the previous rule) and comes back to bite you.

All bodies are beautiful​


No one shall speak ill of their body or anyone else's body.  Leave your bullying at home.

What the HP/HPS says GOES.

The HPS has a LOT of coven experience.  The HP has a LOT of BDSM experience.  If there is a dispute, then come talk to us, otherwise, what we say goes.

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